Memorial Day 2016
Just recently, there were two Ghana sessions for Veterans of Foreign Wars, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. For the morning session Lou Parisi, WWII veteran, and Wilbur V. Martin, a paratrooper during the Vietnam War, attended. This morning session began with Ms. Friedman’s chorus singing the National Anthem to honor all veterans. After the singing of the National Anthem, Mr. Wronko’s students gave a power point presentation that consisted of the Meaning of Veterans Day, the Buffalo Soldiers, the Tuskegee Airmen, the battle of Iwo Jima, World War One, and World War Two. Once the presentation was done, Lou Parisi spoke to the students from the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School and Ghana regarding the meaning and importance of the American Flag. From there he spoke about his military career during WWII. Besides Lou Parisi, Vietnam War veteran, Wilbur V. Martin talked about his career as a paratrooper. That concluded the morning session.
In the afternoon session, Wilbur V. Martin returned and was joined by another Vietnam Veteran George Reed. Wilbur V. Martin reviewed his career as a paratrooper while George Reed talked about saving lives during the Vietnam War as a medic. Both answered numerous questions from the students in Ghana. The questions dealt with topics such as family life, weapons used, war strategies, discrimination and racism, why join the military, kitchen duty, the Viet Cong, Cambodia, Eskimo and Mexican Americans a part of the Airborne Division, and the Purple Heart.
This was the first time in which Veterans were apart of two Ghana sessions in one day.
Img 2815: Lou Parisi

Lou Parisi

Wilber V. Martin

George Reed